June 17-20, 2023 - Roosevelt High School Choir Room and Auditorium Monday through Thursday: 9 AM - 3 PM, with a performance on Thursday, June 20 at 7 PM Camp Cost (including a camp t-shirt) - $150
Put together a show choir performance over FOUR days, directed by the Roosevelt High School directors Robyn Starks Holcomb and Mason Meyer. Learn expert tips on audition strategies, habits of a healthy team member, and the secrets to standing out as a performer by members of Roosevelt's Executive Suite and Capitol Harmony.
SAMPLE DAILY SCHEDULE: 8:45 AM Doors Open 9:00 AM Vocal Warm-Ups 9:15 AM Vocal Sectionals #1 (Soprano/Alto; Tenor/Bass) 10:00 AM Combined Vocal Rehearsal 10:30 AM Break 10:40 AM Choreography Session #1 11:45 AM Lunch Break (bring sack lunch)/Counselor Performer Nugget Talks 12:30 PM Team Building Exercise 1:00 PM Choreography Session #2 1:45 PM Vocal Rehearsal #2 2:30 PM Putting it All Together 3:00 PM Dismiss