Missing a concert is sometimes unavoidable if there is an emergency or if illness strikes. Even if an absence is excused, however, the points not earned must be recovered to ensure a successful grade in the course. Remember, the difference between an excused absence and unexcused absence is not whether or not a students is required to recover grading points, but rather whether or not the student is offered the opportunity to recover the points. Concerts are a third of your quarter grade and a most beneficial experience toward your learning as a musician/performer.
The following are assignments available to you to recover points from your unearned concert performance grades. If you are recovering a concert performance grade, choose from the following options in any combination to equal the total points of the concert (100 pts.)
The following are assignments available to you to recover points from your unearned concert performance grades. If you are recovering a concert performance grade, choose from the following options in any combination to equal the total points of the concert (100 pts.)
- Write a one page paper comparing one of your concert pieces to another song of a different style (not a concert selection). 50 Pts.
- Attend a concert and write one page paper reviewing what you observed. 100 pts.
- Perform your part of the concert selections in front of your choir period. 100 pts.
- Put in service time in the music department. 50 pts.